New worlds collide!
A.J. Questerly has given us a rousing view at a new world. In her science fiction, new adult fantasy. She offers us a broad vista of Pangaea, a fresh unspoiled world, inextricably and hopelessly tangled with our own Earth. From its broad open space and clean air to its amazing architecture and eye-popping art to its strange collective magic and bizarre cultural mores Pangaea is a place most of us would be more than willing to emigrate to.
Amy/Amia, a tall beautiful mixed race 20 year old, isn’t given a choice. She is taken to Pangaea from Earth, dragged away from everyone and everything she thought she knew, to a supposed utopia, where secrets and conspiracies bubble just below the surface. Everywhere she looks she is pulled in, trapped deeper and deeper under this worlds spell until she realizes that this is the world and place she belongs. Finding family and friends she could never quite acquire on Earth, she becomes more at home than she had been at home. But, thing are not always what they appear to be and she soon learns that everyone, from her dying mother to casual strangers on the street, want her to leap into a pivotal magical role to save their world and destroy Earth.
This book is clear, clean, and concise. The author has given us a plausibly crafted alternate world where magic and science coexist. The magic is understandable and, as much as magic ever is, it is logical throughout the story. The science is … well, fictional, but not so far off the mark as to be a distraction in this fast paced and highly entertaining book.