A Darkness from Beyond Universe

A book review for a writer friend. John Vedder from Florida

A Darkness from Beyond Universe
A Darkness from Beyond Universe
A Darkness from Beyond Universe – The Legend of Medes and the Birth of Hell
By John Vedder
5 out of 5 stars.
Wickedly Twisted
John Vedder has given us a truly wicked and twisted tale combining (and most likely offending) every organized religion ever known to man and probably starting his own cult religion from his novel `A Darkness from Beyond Universe – The Legend of Medes and the Birth of Hell. This author’s creativity in blending ancient theologies, new layers of deities, and randy, rancid and rancorous mountain men with beautiful Native-American girlfriends and grizzly bears for pets is entertaining and laugh out loud funny.
Medes, an Eternal Being, is little more than an immortal teenage badboy (that is teenage if you count by billions) with a penchant for ignoring any rule he doesn’t like. His reckless ways finds him stuck on a world (ours) and embroiled in a conflict between beings of a much higher order than him while at the same time, stuck dealing with (oh the horrors of it all) humans (gasp!). He finds that humans, while vile, profane, and loathsome, do have some good points, even if we do need protection, if just from ourselves.
My only big problem with this book is that John Vedder must not have ever spent time in a whorehouse. All of the prostitutes are much too lovely for real life…of course, this is fiction…isn’t it?
One last bit of praise, John Vedder is a master as cursing without using curse words. Great job and a wonderful read.”

John Vedder
John Vedder

Welcome and thanks. I will respond as soon as I can.

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