Rigel Kentaurus

This is a review for a writer friend, Rick Novy of Arizona
5.0 out of 5 stars

Rigel Kentaurus
Rigel Kentaurus



Rick Novy

Whoop Whoop! This is a good yarn if I ever read one!,

Frank is a pilot/navigator on Earth’s first mission to the stars. What will we find? Who will we find? Can we find a place humans can call a second home? Typical of any group of humans chosen by bureaucrats for skill and not for personality, things do not quite go Frank’s way. After running into an alien race bent on killing him, things even get a tad bit worse.

Rigel Kentaurus is a good old fashioned space opera and a darn good story. Rick Novy rip out a good yarn. It is fast paced where it needs to be and slow enough in spots to keep us entertained with understanding alien emotions. It is technical enough to keep us informed, yet Novy doesn’t spend page after page after page describing how the microwave oven works in the galley. HIs aliens are alien enough that we can learn to love or hate them as the case may me.

If you enjoy good scifi action/adventure, do not pass by this novel.

Rick Novy
Rick Novy

Welcome and thanks. I will respond as soon as I can.

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